The attorneys of Laura A. Epstein & Associates, LLC, provide individually tailored legal guidance to clients facing the unpleasant experience of dissolution of marriage.  Because divorce is so personal, we offer a highly personalized style of representation in all aspects of divorce and divorce-related matters.  This highly personalized level of service allows us to place our legal advice within the larger context of our clients’ emotional well-being.

You Can Depend On Us To Act For You

During a divorce, we can meet the needs of a variety of clients holding divergent goals. For those clients whose rights are best protected by litigation, we offer decades of experience in resolving divorce-related disputes through the judicial system.  Most people would prefer to resolve their legal issues without litigation wishing to avoid the heartache and expense that can often accompany divorce litigation.  For those few that have spouses with the same sentiment and if both parties are within the realm of fairness, there are alternative dispute resolutions that emphasize cooperation over conflict as the best means of bringing a divorce to its conclusion. When delicate family relationships are involved, a cooperative approach to divorce can often pay long-term dividends for our clients.

Unfortunately, if spouses were able to work out their issues, they would likely still be married.  Therefore, the vast majority of the parties are in high conflict situations and unable to reach fair settlement with their partner without litigation.  If litigation is necessary, our firm will zealously represent your interest with consideration for the best interest of your children and to maximize your legal interest.

Under either approach, divorce clients come to appreciate our signature candid advice as a sign of how much we genuinely care about them. We know our clients are depending on us for the frank answers they need when making difficult, deeply personal choices. Because they know our true opinions about their cases, our divorce clients respect our experienced judgment in their child related matters and with matters regarding their children, financial division of assets and support.